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Poodle (Miniature)

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New Mexico

Poodle (Miniature) - New Mexico - Offer

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The Poodle, though often equated to the beauty with no brains, is exceptionally smart, active and excels in obedience training. The breed comes in three size varieties, which may contribute to why Poodle is one of the most popular breeds according to AKC� Registration statistics. Poodles can be a variety of solid colors, including white, black, apricot and gray, but never parti-colored. A Look BackThe breed originated in Germany as a water retriever. The stylish "Poodle clip" was designed by hunters to help the dogs move through the water more efficiently. The patches of hair left on the body are meant to protect vital organs and joints which are susceptible to cold. The Standard variety is the oldest of the three varieties. The Miniature variety may have been used for truffle hunting. The Toy Poodle was often used in performances and circuses.

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