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Perro de Presa Canario

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New Mexico

Perro de Presa Canario - New Mexico - Offer

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The Perro de Presa Canario is a large Molosser-type dog breed originally bred for working livestock. The name of the breed is Spanish, means "Canarian catch dog," and is often shortened to "Presa Canario" or simply "Presa." The breed is sometimes also called Dogo Canario, meaning "Canarian Molosser" . Dogs that are referred to as Dogo Canario are generally regarded as show dogs and lack the drives and working aptitude of dogs referred to as "true Presa." Though this is a subject that has been debated vigorously by breeders and owners alike, in general, the "true Presa" kennels would never refer to their dogs as Dogo Canario nor would they want anyone to associate their Kennels with the name Dogo Canario. Their contention is that the Dogo Canario is not the same breed as the Perro de Presa Canario.
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