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Sealyham Terrier

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Sealyham Terrier - Hawaii - Offer & Wanted

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The Sealyham Terrier is a dog breed, of the terrier type. The Sealyham Terrier was originally developed in Wales.Sealyhams measurements vary by breed standard according to particular countries. In general, the breed should measure between 101?2 up to 12 inches high, measured at the wither, or top of the shoulder blade. Sealyhams should never exceed 12 inches at the withers. They should weigh between 23 and 25 pounds, males being heavier. Length of back should approximate the height. Length of back is measured from the top of the withers to the front edge of the tail. The coat is always white and can come with or without markings in colors including lemon, black, brown, blue, and badger, which is a mix of brown and black. Ticking (speckled markings) on the body is faulted by the UKC, but acceptable in other kennel clubs. Heavy body markings and excessive ticking are discouraged.A Sealyham puppy is normally very active. As the Sealyham matures, it becomes a couch potato, "displaying an even temper and a calm and relaxed attitude". Sealyhams are not busy dogs so it is necessary to manage their weight through calorie management and occasional exercise, such as a daily walk.
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