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Traditional-Shar-Pei - Oregon - Offer & Wanted

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The Shar Pei is an ancient breed, possibly dating back to The Han Dynasty (206 BC to 220 AD), in which it can be seen depicted in statues from this period. The original type of Shar Pei originated from Dali,in the Guangdong province of China. Its less wrinkly that the Western Shar Pei and is sometimes referred to as a Bone Mouth Shar Pei. What the breed were used for depended on the areas of Asia they were bred in. In rural areas they were used within village life, in help of guarding the village and going out on hunts with villagers. Where they were bought up and bred in urban areas such as in Hong Kong they have commonly been used as a "Chinese Fighting Dog".In 1973 the breed was becoming extremely rare and was close to extinction. A man named, Matgo Law called on the Western world, most notably the U.S to help "save the Chinese Shar-Pei". Within just a matter of years, what I will call the Western Shar Pei had been transformed into a softer and much more wrinkly breed, which may well be cuter on the eye for prospective buyers but also comes with a large number of health problems caused by irresponsible and over breeding. Mostly due to the very high prices which puppies could be sold for in the 1970's and 80's. The breeds haven't officially been split into 2 different breeds, so it causes alot of confusion between the types of breeds which are viewed so differently by some, especially those from Asia who tend look in disbelief at what the Western world has done to the breed. Appearance The traditional Shar Pei has wrinkles on its face and head but to a much lesser extent that the Shar Pei we see in the Western world.The ears are proportionally small to the head size and positioned on the head above the eyes. There's less padding around the muzzle, most notably there should be clear smooth curved surface on top of the muzzle like the vast majority of normal dogs.The tail should be set high and pointing towards the head. The coat should be Horse Coat, which is the shortest of all known coat types for the breed overall Colours For color, traditional Shar-pei has solid color of Fawn and black (or named by Chinese rusty black). What it means is a black with tint of reddish rust tone. The closest to your Western color description may be is the "seal color". There can be sometimes diluted color called "Five point red" is also acceptable. Light fawn and light cream is also acceptable provided with proper pigmentation of nose, tongue and ear (light cream dog should have darker fawn color ear).A completely white dog is not acceptable.Temperament. The traditional Shar Pei is a working dog so expect it to be territorial, retain its guarding instinct and be very alert. they would of course make good guard dogs. Height and Weight 46 - 51 cm in height and approximately 18 - 25 kg in weight.Common Health Problems The Traditional Shar Pei is much healthier than its Western world counterpart and doesn't suffer from any specific health problems. Living Conditions Can live anywhere, town, country, house or apartment. Of course if in an apartment will need extra exercise. More active than the Western world Shar Pei so.Exercise Requirements High energy working dog which enjoys regular walks.Training Requirements Need firm obedience training and good leadership.Life Expectancy10 - 12 years.
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