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Portuguese Podengo

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Portuguese Podengo - Kentucky - Offer & Wanted

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The Portuguese Podengo is an ancient multi-sensory hound (sight and scent) breed of dog from Portugal. The Podengo comes in three sizes that are not interbred - small (Pequeno), medium (Médio) and large (Grande), each size with two hair coats (smooth and wire coat) and its own unique temperament. All three sizes love to hunt. Typically, the dogs hunt in a pack with their human companion following. When game is found, they will kill it and bring it back to the hunter or wait for the hunter to catch up and shoot it. Each is capable of hunting game that is appropriate to their size and temperament. (Pequeno: rabbits; Médio: rabbits and wild boar; Grande: deer and wild boar). It is a healthy breed and the Pequenos average lifespan is approximately 15–17 years. The Médios live to be approximately 12–15 years.
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