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Wirehaired Vizsla

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North Dakota

Wirehaired Vizsla - North Dakota - Offer & Wanted

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The Wirehaired Vizsla (English pronunciation: /?vi??l?/ VEESH-l?, Hungarian: [?vi?l?]; English plural: Vizslas or sometimes Vizslak, based on the Hungarian plural vizslák [?vi?la?k]), is a dog breed originating in Hungary. Wirehaired Vizslas are known as excellent hunting dogs, and also have a level personality making them suited for families. The Wirehaired Vizsla is a versatile, natural hunter endowed with an excellent nose and an above average trainability. Although they are lively, gentle mannered, demonstrably affectionate and sensitive, they are also fearless and possessed of a well-developed protective instinct. The breed has a firmness on point, is an excellent retriever, and has the determination to remain on the scent even when swimming. The overall appearance embodies the qualities of a multi-purpose pointing dog, endurance, working ability and an easily satisfied nature. This is a dog of power and drive in the field, yet is a tractable and affectionate companion in the home
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