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Coton de Tulear

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Coton de Tulear - New York - Offer & Wanted

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The Coton de Tuléar is a small breed of dog. It is named for the city of Tuléar in Madagascar and its cotton textured coat.Multiple registries with differing standards describe the Coton de Tuléar, but in general, it has very soft hair, comparable to a cotton ball, a prominent black nose, large expressive eyes (usually covered by bangs) and somewhat short puffy legs.Coton de Tuléar has a medium- to long-hair, fluffy, cotton-like coat that is hair rather than fur. It is a non-shedding breed with low dander. There is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog however; like the poodle or his cousin, the Havanese[citation needed]. This breed has no "doggie smell", though it will still smell like a wet dog after a bath. The Coton de Tulear comes in different colors, white, white with light brown spots, black and white , and black (not an acceptable color). The beauty of the Coton is that as it gets older the color spots on it fade away, so eventually it will be pure white.This breed has little to no shedding. Like other dogs, hair will come out if you brush them. Mats can usually be removed with gentle use of a slicker brush, but this will take time. You need to cut out mats if they get them because the groomer might shave them
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