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Estrela Mountain Dog

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Estrela Mountain Dog - Massachusetts - Offer & Wanted

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The Estrela Mountain Dog is a breed of dog that has been used to guard herds and homesteads in the Estrela Mountains of Portugal for centuries.Desirable height for mature males is 25½ - 28½ inches and for mature females is 24½ - 27 inches. Mature males in good working condition weigh between 88 and 110 pounds. Mature females in good working condition weigh between 66 and 88 pounds.A large, athletic dog, the Estrela Mountain Dog is a formidable opponent for any predator- fortunately, it's often called upon to rise to anyone's life-or-death defense. It is calm but fearless and will not hesitate to react to danger, making it an exceptional watchdog. It is intelligent, loyal, and faithful, affectionate to those it knows but wary of those it does not. It is instinctively protective of any children in its family. It needs early and continued socialization to be trustworthy around small pets and other dogs.It's important to begin training and socializing the Estrela from puppyhood to nurture its acceptance of different situations. This is a strong independent-minded breed that will need persistent training and consistent leadership. It has a tendency to bark. As with most livestock guardians, the Estrela is not a "pet" for everyone. Strong ownership is paramount.
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