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German Longhaired Pointer

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German Longhaired Pointer - Washington - Offer & Wanted

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The German longhaired pointer (GLP) is a breed of dog. It was developed in Germany, and is used as a gundog.The GLP should be muscular, elegant, and athletic. It should not be bulky or cumbersome, and it should be able to move with great speed and freedom. It has moderate bone, but has substance, and must never look frail or weak. Its appearance should reflect its excitable, crazy temperament. Like all German pointers, they have webbed feet. Watch out for aggression in puppy years.The GLP is between 60–70 cm (24–28 in) at the withers for males, and 58–66 cm (23–26 in.) for females. It weighs approximately 30 kg (66 lbs.).GLPs are a kind, gentle, friendly, and intelligent breed. They are very affectionate, and may experience separation anxiety. They only make good pets when properly exercised, as they need a "job" to do, and do not adapt well to a sedentary life. The GLP is an excellent family pet, as it enjoys playing with children. It is very sociable with dogs.
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